Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 11/52 "Up"

For this week's theme, I got lucky and took a picture over the weekend up at the farm that happened to fit perfectly.  So this picture is taken looking up the silo of my grandpa's barn.  This is a silo that I have avoided since the day I was allowed into the barn--most likely because my Poppop (aka Grandpa) told me and all the other grandkids that someone was hanged in there and his ghost still haunts the silo!  Luckily the ghost in the barn is not as creepy as the ghost in the orange room closet though!


A Soul's Heartbeat said...

What great photos on your blog, I've so enjoyed looking. I love this one of the 'up' view of the silo, but I really liked your Poppop's story! Patti

Fudge said...

Thanks! Yes, he was quite the practical joker!...made spending time out in the middle of nowhere always interesting and exciting!